Mon Oct 15, 2018

Designing Scalable and Secure Microservices by Embracing DevOps-as-a-Service Offerings

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This tutorial examines the fact that simply re-engineering applications into microservices does not remove the operational complexity and risk of failure.  In the Cloud era, as applications grow by adding more services, security enforcement and dynamic resource allocation become significant challenges. At scale, these challenges can be addressed with autonomicity.  Through automation, microservices are equipped with the ability to continuously control the underlying infrastructure, thus turning into services that can be programmatically harnessed.  However, traditional monitoring is deemed ineffective for decomposed and highly dynamic microservices deployed over shared execution environments.  On the other hand, finer service granularity means more moving parts and hence an increased complexity of auto-scaling, more points of failure and more possibilities for severe privacy violations.

To  overcome these challenges and take full advantage of the rapidly evolving microservices landscape, we will introduce the Unicorn DevOps-as-a-Service  platform, which  provides software teams of all sizes with a powerful toolset to simplify and speed up the development and management of scalable and secure applications over multi-cloud environments.


Target Audience

- Academic researchers

- Software developers

- DevOps Engineers

- Anyone with a programming background and with some exposure to cloud environments, software version control, and Unix operating systems


Tutorial Program

 Tutorial (Part A) - Room Kantara

 14.00 - 15.30

 Tutorial (Part B) - Room Kandara



Tutorial Structure

Section 1 - Introduction to Microservice Architecture Paradigm

 Section Description

 (Program Part A)

This section provides a comprehensive overview of the  microservice architecture paradigm, the association of microservices with the DevOps culture principles and the enablement of microservices through containerized execution environments.  A brief introduction to the concept of containerization is provided along with an overview of where containers sit on the virtualization stack and how they fit in the cloud computing paradigm.  The container runtime of choice is Docker, as the industry current golden standard, and Docker Compose will also be used to ease microservice configuration and showcase service portability.

Learning Outcomes

- Have a clear sense of what are microservices and why this paradigm constitutes a revolutionary shift in software development.

- Understand how Docker orchestration tools (e.g., Docker Compose) can be used to automate microservice deployment on public cloud offerings


Section 2 - Technical and Hands-on

Section Description

(Program Part B)

This section lectures the audience on the design of applications following the microservice paradigm and enabled through the Docker container runtime on public cloud offerings(Google  Cloud,  OpenStack). To ease microservice development, popular open-source frameworks (e.g., Spring Boot, nginx, Netflix OSS) for web applications will also be introduced.  During this part, light is shed on the open challenges that arise when designing and deploying secure microservices at scale that prevent developers from fully embracing continuous delivery in their software development pipeline.  This part of the tutorial is also intended as a hands-on experience and welcomes any members of the audience to use their laptop and the provided software artifacts to run the presented examples.

Learning Outcomes

- Acknowledge the principles that designate applications as microservices and understand the process flow in designing web applications as microservices with the use of popular frameworks (e.g., Spring Boot, nginx Netflix OSS) from the open-source ecosystem.

- Leverage Docker and its toolset (e.g., dockerfiles, docker hub) to containerize and run web applications as microservices


Section 3 - UNICORN DevOps-as-a-Service

Section Description

(Program Part B)

This section introduces the audience  to  the  Unicorn  DevOps-as-a-Service  platform  which is developed as a unified solution to overcome the open challenges previously presented.Specifically, we will extend in a few simple steps the exemplary microservices introduced in the previous section with the Unicorn feature set to show developers how they are able to  simplify  and  speed  up  the  design  and  management  of  scalable,  secure  and  portable microservices over containerized cloud execution environments.

Learning Outcomes

Acknowledge the existence of the Unicorn DevOps-as-a-Service platform offerings to speedup the design of secure and scalable microservices and ease the runtime management of large-scale and distributed deployments.


GitHub Repository of the tutorial



10 December 2018, 14.00-17.30, Hilton Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus


Registration Fees

Workshop Only IEEE Member

€ 180


Workshop Only Non-IEEE Member

€ 220





UNICORN: A Novel Framework for Multi-cloud Services Development, Orchestration, Deployment and Continuous Management Fostering Cloud Technologies Uptake from Digital SMEs and Startups


UNICORN  has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731846


CloudCom 2018 details